Welcoming Statement

New Feature: Follow my Blog! See widget in the right column.

Welcome to my first ever Blog. It Features my Digital Photography and a bit about me and some of my Family members.

I also have a Blog on Polysemania. That will be a place to discuss words and word play.

More will come.
Don Ricklin
Don's Folio One
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: photos folio)

So Groovy!

So Groovy!
Rick Maida on Bass, Jazz @ Sunset, EcoTarium, Worcester, MA. Featured on Radiant Vista's Daily Critique.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lowell, MA

An interesting city of canals and old factory buildings with plenty of things to photograph. They have a yearly Folk Life Festival in August and are part of our National Parks System. The Gallery includes shots of the Lower Canal Gate House, as at left which is by a three stage lock and images of the loom room in the Boott Cotton Mills Museum which is a very loud space when the are working (even though it is only a few of them running.



retrorse said...

Mr. Ricklin, my name is John Vincent and I am search for old photographs of Lowell--1875-1930. I have photographs taken by Dempsey Studio and Fountain's circa 1910. Is it even possible that someone may have other portraits from these studios.

Don Ricklin said...
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Don Ricklin said...

am not in Lowell, myself. There may well be other images available there. You might wont to contact either the State or Federal parks that are operating exhibits there and may have more information for you than I would.

Thanks for looking at my work.
